Declare is the premier leadership community
for women, advancing careers through
professional development, networking and
shared experience.
*Declare was acquired by Luminary in October 2020
The Declaration
Regular newsletters to Declare members covering relevant hot topics, community news, and company announcements.
We’d Like to Thank The Academy… Or Not:
A Declaration breaking down representation of women in the media and how it affects the experience of women in real life.
For MLK Jr. Day, I read Letter from a Birmingham Jail to analyze through the lens of a pre-pandemic 2020 in order to activate the Declare community.
You Have the Power to Fight for Gender Equality:
This newsletter takes a more hands-on approach to community education by sharing macro and micro strategies to fight for gender equity on a daily basis.
Content Roundup
Weekly Friday email to Declare members summarizing key points of the week’s Declare Talk (weekly webinar), and sharing an ongoing list of content and resources for pandemic support and to facilitate anti-racism work in our community.
Building your Brand Through Self-Compassion:
Summarizes a workshop that explored the intersection of personal wellness and personal branding. Good example of resource sharing and light Friday content to end.
Making Nutrition Work For You:
Summarizes top tips from a talk designed to help everyone in quarantine eat healthy. Good example of event cross-promotion and sharing past content.
Summarizes both mindset shifts and practical tips to help members own their bossiness. Good example of premium member-specific integration into larger email.
Event Marketing
Event pages to promote weekly virtual talks, created around professional development topics for women in high-performing environments across tech and finance. The descriptions had to stand out in a sea of early-pandemic virtual events.
This talk is centered around one of the key tenets of Declare: that you should and do not have to change who you are as a woman in order to be successful.
A highly relevant content-driven talk that highlights the main goals and priorities of the Declare community: career advancement. This talk content incorporates the (at the time) new reality of working from home full-time.
A Courageous Leader's Checklist:
The first event of 2020, this is a good example of a speaker-driven event description.
Thought Leadership
Thought pieces self-published on LinkedIn, as well as in various publications. Written in the voices of multiple executives, as well as my own.
What Tomorrow’s Leaders Need to Know Today
After leading a very impactful Declare Talk, we wanted to work with Shellye Archambeau again, and thought this advice-driven article would be engaging to our community, as well as helpful in promoting Shellye’s new book.
One of Declare’s Co-Founders was extremely inspired by Melinda Gates’ pledge of $1 Billion to address gender inequality and asked me to write this thought piece connecting Gates’ pledge with Declare’s work.
College-Educated Women Dominate the Workplace: Why Are They Still Underpaid?
Our CEO came to me with a draft of this piece on the gender pay gap, part of which I rewrote to strengthen and and part of which I edited for cohesion and clarity.
One Pagers
One pagers explaining various aspects of the Declare program and membership. Includes Declare Search, the recruiting arm of the business.
This is a general introduction to Declare, which succinctly summarizes the different elements of the program.
This one pager focuses on mentorship, which was at the heart of the Declare community and was the most valuable piece of the program to many.
A two-pager that explains the process of becoming a Declare member and the program elements, supported by testimonials from existing members.
A succinct look at the executive search part of the business, sharing value proposition and supporting stats.
Brand + Value Prop
Documents detailing Declare’s mission and core values, as well as the company’s program and content overview.
I worked carefully with the CEO and COO to redefine Declare’s mission and values, as they previously were hard for members and leads to understand.
As our mission and values were refined, our product and program had to be as well. This document describes the different types of programming we offered as well as the quintessential Declare woman.
Email Marketing
Examples of emails sent to cold leads to set up initial calls and emails to encourage existing members to renew.
Business Development Email Template:
General cold email sent by executives and the business development team. Good example of presenting a complex program with many elements in a simple, digestible way.
Executive Pods Email Sequence:
Cold email sequence sent to senior leaders for a special program, pairing them with an executive coach as a part of specialized career development for executives women. Utilizes relevant research and is a good example of the brand tone.
Email sent to members whose membership was about to expire. Another good example of brand voice.